Excursion to Roccamontepiano and the Hermitage of San D'Onofrio

The interior of the hermitage of San D'Onofrio

Biggest spider I have ever personally seen -- inside the hermitage

Paul after ringing the bell at the hermitage

Zoe in the hermitage

Getting reading for the return hike

Arriveing at the Ermitio di San D'Onofrio

View of the Castello from our hike

The hike was warmer than we anticipated....

Grotto dedicated to San Rocco at Roccomontepiano (nearby town)

Our kitten---all grown up and still such a buddy. I really missed her!

Maeilla Rock flora--this is the rock our house is made of

Vecchio Fontana in Roccomontepiano--very refreshing after our hike

The rough rock trail we climbed to the hermitage

Paul hiking ahead...to the hermitage

Anyone looking to buy a remote piece of land....I'm sure the price is right lol "Vendisi means for sale"

My photographic partner in crime

Uve e ferro (grapes and iron)

Oleander is always in full bloom when we are here. The highways in Abruzzo are lined with oleander

Ceramics in Roccamontepiano


Old church towner Roccamontepiano


marcia said…
Aha! I knew you could not pass up going to Italy, Zoe. It's now in your blood. Such great place names, "Roccomontepiano", and so beautiful. Love the grapes and ironwork, pic. I want to see a picture of Gramps, not sweaty Paul. :-D I thought you were a statue in the Hermitage, Zoe. I'm just back from Maine/N.H., where Barb and I had a fun time with Maren and Jordan.They will be at Nan's on Sunday for a family visit ,(sorry you'll miss them), and here until Wednesday I think. Jordan made his first bass bow in N.H., completely by hand, like the old Masters.Really impressive! Miss you. Love you. Have fun, guys. M. :-D
marcia said…
Till next blog siteing.Keep them coming. love Marcia
KiraHoskin said…
First of all, thank goodness I wasn't there to see that spider -- I would've cried. Secondly, I don't remember what I used to call that kitten but she's not a kitten anymore! It looks nice and hot there (Paul's sweaty picture), yesterday was crazy hot here, it supposedly felt like 50 degrees! And the gateau (I think thats cat), reminded me of the dogs that were there last year, take some pictures if theres any this year :)

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