Zoe swimming at San Vito Chietino in her clothes! The famous trabbechi (for fishing) are in the back ground.

She can't resist the sea.
San Vito area has rows upon rows of vineyards!

Zoe descending the medieval tower at Crecchio castle. We had way too much fun in that stairwell!

Old Crecchio or as the Italians say"Vecchio Crecchio" as seen from the top of the castello tower.

Old Borgho (town) Crecchio.

The infamous staircase again!

Rae, tower climbing!

Paul at the vecchio borgho.

Mia amici.

Zoe and her huge piece of za!

Red Ape at the castello! Love the visuals in this country.

Cougine (cousins) at the castello! The girls refer to each other as cougina now.

Crecchio castello in all its might and glory.