Zoe in Pennapediamonte

Zoe and Lea (or Matita---pencil---as we like to call her)

Paul loved this Vespa statue

The uomini (men) of Palombaro

Smoking while pumping gas...this guy works here!!!

Interior of Sant'Annunzio Chiesa Palombaro

Caves in the Maiella

Climbing the eternal hill....Pennapediamonte

Paul in Palombaro

15th century church tower at Palumbaro

Our little rented "Panda" at home

More Maiella

Maiellan Mountain Hike

Paul and Moreno test the lavatrice


Our new lavatrice arrives (washing machine)...this no longer feels like hardship!

Lavendar and butterfly on the Maiella

Paul installing our lavatrice

Zoe in Pennapediamonte

Bagno attached to 15th century church anyone? Of course I did!